Roger Crane Roger Crane was born and grew up in New Hampshire. Later he moved to Iowa where he ran a distribution business for 17 years. After retiring, he moved to Richmond, IN. He has a Master’s Degree in Accountancy and an MBA with a concentration in Finance. He is an active Certified Public Accountant (CPA) as well as an active Certified Management Accountant (CMA). His love of bourbon stems from 1987 when Jack Daniels lowered their proof from 90 to 80. As someone who enjoyed sipping whiskey neat, he found the new Jack Daniels proof weaker than he liked and so set out to explore other options. This led to his discovery of the many bourbons on the market at the time. As the popularity of bourbons increased, he was drawn to the craft bourbon distilleries. He enjoys finding new and different bourbons from all over the country. He states, “No two bourbons ever taste the same. There are so many variables involved, not least of which is the climate in which the bourbon ages, that every bourbon is unique.” He is currently on a journey to visit all 270 straight bourbon distilleries and write a book about his experience.